Images and image sizes
The images are reduced to a maximum width depending on the browser size and device. The following sizes are therefore maximum sizes in which the images are displayed and in which they should at least be uploaded.
Image selection from local folders or central image pool
In addition, STS Corporate Communications (photo editing) provides a central image pool KIT images. This is currently offered via an additional RedDot alongside the previous ones. If images are linked to both elements, the image marked as "preferred" is displayed in each case.
With the next software version of OpenText WSM, this double solution will be eliminated and there will only be one RedDot for images.
Weitere Informationen zur Bildsprache und dem Einsatz von Bildern.
Image sizes in text

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1/2 Box: 820px width

1/3 Box: 700px width

1/4 Box: 490px width