
Videos play an important role in public relations and are an essential component of KIT's internal and external image.


In order to ensure a uniform appearance and the recognizability of the KIT brand, essential design elements must be used for all video productions that are realized by KIT institutions themselves or commissioned externally:

  • Animated KIT logo at the end of the film
  • Lower thirds (belly bands) and info boxes
  • Text overlays and subtitles

For all design elements mentioned examples of use as well as instructions and templates are available.

With the Center for Media Learning (ZML), KIT has an institution that can provide you with professional support from the conception to the creation of video products. If the ZML is not available, STS-Gesamtkommunikation can provide you with alternatives on request.


Konzeptionelle Beratung, Fragen zur Veröffentlichung von Videos:



Fragen zu den Gestaltungselementen: 

STS-Zentrales Marketing