More templates
Here you will find templates for everyday office use.
- Circular/Posting (German)
- Circular/Posting (english)
- Guidelines (cover sheet)
- File note (cover sheet)
- Short message (German) monochrome
- Short message (English) monochrome
- Name badges are available in printed form. Contact: Printing Service (CSE Media Production), Campus North: Tel. -25042.
- Certificates (printout on letterhead)
- Certificates, certificates of attendance for seminars, continuing education (printout on letterhead)
- Theses, reports
- Folder spine colored, 30x190mm
- Folder spine colored, 45x190mm
- Folder spine colored, 55x190mm
Please note that the templates for folder spines are not suitable for all label formats. Please adjust the template according to your needs.