
Download Master Template Presentations

Templates for presentations are available in English and German. The templates are provided for IVA-recommended (Committee for Information and Data Processing) software products.

The use of the presentation templates is intended for official purposes only. Students may use them in the context of seminars, presentation of study projects, presentation of the final thesis, etc.

The templates are distinguished by the four color gradients of the image world. The slide master contains the motifs shadow fans, shadow shapes and shadow dots. You can also use your own thematically suitable image motifs.

Templates PowerPoint - German (as of May 2021)

Templates PowerPoint - English (May 2021)

Templates LaTex

The templates are available on both Gitlab and Overleaf.

Note: To use the templates you have to be logged in to Overleaf. Then you can create your own project from the template via "Menu / Copy Project".


  • Master templates in 16:9 format are available in German and English.
  • The current version of PowerPoint provides a standard size of 33.867 x 19.05 cm for 16:9.
  • Released additional logos can be placed at the indicated location. Maximum size is 2/3 of the KIT logo.
  • Seals can be used on occasion at the specified position.
  • The examples explain the main design elements.
  • For text formatting, the use of KIT bullet points is mandatory.
  • Arial is the default font.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the slides are clearly laid out. Too much text and graphics should be avoided.
Titelfolie Präsentation KIT
Beispiele Inhaltsfolien Präsentation KIT