The KIT umbrella brand

The KIT logo is a protected word-picture mark in German and English.

Word and figurative mark may not be used in isolation. The basic color scheme of the logo consists of the defined KIT green and black. Any alienation by changing the color, scaling or similar is not permitted from a legal point of view.

The KIT logo may only be used for official purposes in the sense of KIT.

  • Various file formats can be requested from STS-Zentrales Marketing (STS-ZM), stating the purpose of use.
  • Any other use, in particular disclosure to third parties, must be approved by STS-ZM. Please share the following information:
    • Contact person with address
    • Type of cooperation/relationship
    • If applicable, name and duration of the project
  • Groups not originally belonging to KIT may use the KIT logo only if this has been agreed with KIT. This includes licensees and (scientific) cooperation partners.

For German publications, the logo always appears in the German version. For English or other non-German publications, the logo always appears in the English version.


KIT-Logo deutsch und englisch KIT
KIT logo

Inadmissible application

KIT-Logo in GraustufenKIT
No grayscale

Verzerrte KIT-LogosKIT
Logo not distort


The logo with subline must be placed in the minimum size of 33 mm x 15 mm to ensure the legibility of the subline. If the logo must be printed smaller in exceptional cases (e.g. on ballpoint pens), special shapes are available on request. The top and bottom edges of the lettering remain flush.

Minimum size and special shapes

Mindestgröße KIT-LogoKIT
Minimum size

Sonderformen des KIT-LogosKIT
Special forms

Protection zone

The protection zone is 50% of the logo width and 50% of the logo height. It determines the minimum distance of the KIT logo from other design elements. The white media frame is excluded.

Schutzzone um das KIT-Logo KIT
Protection zone


Standard use

The basic color scheme of the logo consists of the defined KIT green and black. By default, the logo is placed in color on a white background.

Use on colored backgrounds

In exceptional cases, the logo may be used in black or white, e.g. newspaper advertisements. These special forms may only be used on single-color or uniform-color backgrounds. The logo may not be used on changing backgrounds (e.g. photos, patterns, etc.), as it can no longer have an independent effect on its own.

Standard placement
KIT-Logo auf hellem Hintergrund
KIT logo on light background
KIT-Logo auf dunklem Hintergrund
KIT logo on dark background


The logo is placed in the upper left corner. The distance of the logo from the edge is usually two fields.

Platzierung des KIT-Logos KIT