Content Pages

Teaser Box

Teaser boxes guide the user’s attention to a certain content and by clicking a button, the user is guided to the text. Images, photos, graphics, or texts may be inserted into the boxes. Teaser boxes are particularly suited for guiding users to services or contact points.

Teaser Box

It may contain an interesting text.

zum Artikel

Quotation Boxes

Quotation boxes serve to highlight passages (e.g. quotes) in the text. The colors may be chosen from a defined range of colors. The boxes cannot be clicked.


“Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.”


The banner is an image element covering the entire width of the page. On the banner, a short text may be placed. The banner is used to make the page layout less monotonous.

Enter visually powerful topics of high relevance to your communication goals or your target groups. Banners cannot be clicked.