Design guidelines - all information in one place

Whether guidelines for the application of the corporate design, image sizes for Internet presences, downloads of presentations or circulars - from now on, you will find all necessary information and templates here.

The corporate identity (self-image) of KIT as "The Research University in the Helmholtz Association" is to be optimally communicated internally and externally by means of a uniform corporate design. The present design guidelines define the design framework for all important means of communication. The guidelines serve as a basis for the implementation of the design and facilitate the design of various formats and media.

The design guidelines apply to everyone who presents KIT internally or externally: This includes both permanent and freelance employees, as well as external service providers such as advertising agencies, printers, and cooperation partners.

Mensch vor Laptop
New letter templates available

With Professor Jan S. Hesthaven taking office October 1st, 2024, kindly use new letter templates. 

 Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Expiry of the "audit familiengerechte hochschule" certificate

According to the circular letter of the Presidential Board dated 30.06.2023, the certificate "Audit familiengerechte Hochschule" (family-friendly university audit) expired on 01.07.2023. Therefore, neither the logo nor the sentence "KIT has been certified as a family-friendly university since 2010" may be used in all communication materials.

Guideline: Gender-fair and inclusive

The guideline "Gender-fair and inclusive: language and visual language of diversity at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology" was adopted by the KIT Senate.

Basic elements

All important basic elements of corporate design.


Summary Design guidelines - for external partners (pdf). In German only.